Tracking URL Configuration


  1. Enter the tracking link
  2. Configure the track link placeholder according to your needs. The placeholder of UUID and click id is required.


(二)Meaning of Mobvista's placeholder

Placeholder Description Example
click id The unique identifier generated by the Mobvista when it is clicked. It would pass to the advertiser system when it is clicked, and the click id needs to be passed back to Mobvista. 5ebbc9a3bc60445511a1xxxx
UUID The unique identifier of the promotion defined by the Mobvista. It is passed when clicked, and the uuid needs to be pass back to Mobvista. api_test
subid Encrypted sub-channel number mobxxxxxxx1232
idfa/gaid Device id 0f331b2c-d051-46f9-b9eb-3461d02bxxxx
country Country Code USD
os System Version Android 9.0
android id Android Id \
IP User IP 2xx.xx.250.xx
ua User Agent \
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity 3xxxx2-05-245751-9
language Device language en-US


​ What is tracking link? What is post back link? What are their respective functions?


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